Mood is a strange thing. Sometimes the mood is light. Sometimes heavy. I guess awareness is the key. At least let’s be aware of changes in mood. Ignatius of Loyola, the guy who founded the Jesuits, was into mood. He recommended that people take a little time at the end of each day to become aware of their moods that day. One of the cool things he said was to remember in times of desolation that consolation would return. And in periods of consolation to be conscious that periods of desolation would recur. Once when I was physically ill my only consolation was that a time would come when I would feel better. Time, indeed, is a healer. So, if today, or any day, things seem really black and hopeless, do not despair. Console yourself with the thought that a time of consolation will recur. Spring will follow Winter. Light will follow Night. Hope will follow despair. Peace will follow war. Time heals all…