Please vote Yes in the Blasphemy referendum

Please vote Yes to remove blasphemy as a crime in Ireland’s referendum

Socrates and Blasphemy

Please vote Yes to remove blasphemy as a crime in Ireland’s referendum on Friday 26 October 2018. The supposed crime of blasphemy was the ‘crime’ for which Greek philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death. Why? Because the religious people of his time did not like what Socrates was saying.

Socrates called people to know and understand themselves. To ask questions, to question the status quo. His questioning undermined the credibility of the religious beliefs of his day and, by implication, the religious leaders of his day who imposed silly beliefs on credulous people.

Christians and Blasphemy

In time, the Christian churches accused each other of blasphemy and they sentenced to death people from opposing religions, burning at the stake those ‘found guilty’ of blasphemy.

In some Islamic states today, people, including Christians, are still condemned to death for the ‘crime’ of blasphemy, inducing fear in others, solidifying the lies of religions among societies who dare not question or speak their minds.

Jesus accused of Blasphemy

‘Holy’ religious people have long condemned people of other faiths and none to death. Remember Jesus too was accused of blasphemy, if we are to believe the New Testament.

Blasphemy is a ‘crime’ where one group of people impose their religious beliefs on others, accusing someone of blasphemy when something is said to ‘offend’ believers. It is a classic ‘crime’ whereby people believing in nonsense wish to punish those who dare to question the lies they live by.

Please Vote ‘Yes’ to remove it

Socrates, Jesus, Protestants, Catholics, and people of many faiths and none have been deemed to have committed the ‘crime’ of blasphemy.

People of Ireland. Stand up for truth. Please vote ‘Yes’ in the referendum  to remove blasphemy as a crime from the Irish Constitution. Thank you.